Adversarial Threat Report April 2022 by Facebook / Meta

Facebook is the target of many Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB) by government or criminals.

They find campaigns that include groups of accounts and Pages seeking to mislead people about who they are and what they are doing while relying on fake accounts, we remove both inauthentic and authentic accounts, Pages and Groups directly involved in this activity.

To provide a more comprehensive view into the risks identified by Facebook, this reporting includes coordinated inauthentic behavior (CIB), cyber espionage, inauthentic behavior, and other emerging harms, all in one place.

Sharing threat indicators at the end of this report to contribute to the efforts by the security community to detect and counter malicious activity elsewhere on the internet.

Summary of findings

  • Removing three cyber-espionage networks from Iran and Azerbaijan
  • Ukraine security update
  • Removing four networks for coordinated inauthentic behavior
  • Removing a mass reporting network in Russia
  • Removing a coordinated violating network in the Philippines
  • Removing inauthentic behavior

Appendix: Threat indicators

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