If you are a bit familiar with Egregor, Maze or Ruyk and other major ransomware, you should read Analyst1’s paper, by Jon DiMaggio.

In February 2021, Ukraine men were arrested for supporting the long-standing ransomware gang known as ”Twisted Spider”. The gang, first seen in May 2019, is behind high-dollar enterprise ransomware attacks. However, the arrests had little impact and operations continued in March 2021. In June 2020, the gang issued a press release claiming they joined forces … Read more

Threat Hunting = IoA + IoC How to know if your system is compromised ?

Like the human body, there is an immune system which defends the human body from different kinds of viruses. In network technology, there are millions of viruses available to attack systems and networks. In Advanced threat protection training we offer courses to  protect from these viruses different kinds of techniques are introduced which can protect … Read more

Adversarial Threat Report April 2022 by Facebook / Meta

Facebook is the target of many Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB) by government or criminals. They find campaigns that include groups of accounts and Pages seeking to mislead people about who they are and what they are doing while relying on fake accounts, we remove both inauthentic and authentic accounts, Pages and Groups directly involved in … Read more