Cyberbiosecurity: DNA Injection Attack in Synthetic Biology by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Synthetic biology (SB), a relatively new field of science, which integrates engineering principles with biology and enhances our capabilities to create and construct biological parts, devices and systems is changing the way we design and build biological entities for various purposes.

This technology could create additional concerns and vulnerabilities, especially in the field of cyber biosecurity. Cybersecurity, a quite new notion, covers the protection of various elements of synthetic biology and its information, intellectual property and infrastructure from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, disruption, corruption or destruction.

With the use of synthetic biology ever more complex and interwoven, the magnitude of cybersecurity risks and impact rises; hence, cybersecurity is paramount for responsible development.

One of the main issues in cyber biosecurity is cyber theft, which can arise from confidential data and information on synthetic biology, which can be sensitive and may result in intellectual property theft, reputational damage and physical harm.

 Sturdy cybersecurity measures are a must as they aid in the preservation of artificial biology data and infrastructure so that all three Cs: confidentiality, integrity, and availability, are safeguarded.

Synthetic biology labs, equipment, and systems are also difficult to protect from cyber security incidents that may occur and that could disrupt their operation, damage hardware parts, or alter functionality.

 In order to facilitate the responsible development and ethical use of synthetic biology, massive risk assessment and ethical consideration must be conducted to guarantee the safe operation of this technology. 

Through strong cyber biosecurity measures and preparation for and solution of the potential risks that may arise, we can well-manage the responsible development of synthetic biology and its benefits to society

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