The Dark Web and Cybercrime by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

The Darkweb is a network of overlay networks that use the internet and require specific software or credentials to access. It includes surface web, deep web, and dark web which require the Tor Browser and may require additional credentials. The dark web is often associated with criminal activities such as narcotics, payment card fraud, identity … Read more

If you are a bit familiar with Egregor, Maze or Ruyk and other major ransomware, you should read Analyst1’s paper, by Jon DiMaggio.

In February 2021, Ukraine men were arrested for supporting the long-standing ransomware gang known as ”Twisted Spider”. The gang, first seen in May 2019, is behind high-dollar enterprise ransomware attacks. However, the arrests had little impact and operations continued in March 2021. In June 2020, the gang issued a press release claiming they joined forces … Read more